The Tradition

The history of ‘San Lorenzo’ is written in this unique corner of Abruzzo, which has been ongoing for five generations. In each of their bottles lies an expression of their commitment to their wines, preserving the heritage of these areas. The family organization of the company is the key to its success because it allows it to pay particular attention to the product through detailed control of the entire production supply chain, from cultivation to the enological aspects and the stage of sale.

The Territory & the Vineyards

The vineyards are situated in Castilenti, a privileged position halfway between the Massiccio of the Gran Sasso and the Adriatic. The extraordinary bounty of this area can be seen in various aspects: the hills, the particular composition of the soil, and the peculiar characteristics of the microclimate. The vineyards on the hills of the estate are comprised almost exclusively of native vines best suited to the uniqueness of the land. The vineyards are located between gradual and steep slopes, exposed to the south and southeast, and their altitude varies between 250 meters and 350 meters above sea level.

Sustainability means working to preserve natural resources for future generations, a concept integral to our production philosophy from the beginning. The dedication to maintaining the land and awareness of resource management are essential values that have driven the choices of those who came before and have been handed down with foresight. The favourable conditions of the land allow us to consistently create wines of remarkable prestige without resorting to invasive interventions in the agrosystem and the environment. Today’s dedication relates to perfecting wine-growing practices by integrating recent technologies and experimenting with advanced methods to improve our environmental performance. The production process meets the standards of integrated viticulture, a low-impact agricultural system. Integrated viticulture avoids using phytosanitary products as much as possible, prioritizing organic and biotechnical measures of breeding and cultivation. It includes proper soil cultivation and balanced fertilization and extends to biodiversity and the establishment of beneficial insects in the vineyard. The adjective “bio-sustainable” is our seal to guarantee that behind the creation of each product lies our commitment to defending health and the environment, along with concrete actions to support it.

San Lorenzo Winery